Monday, November 28, 2005

"Trading Spaces"

There is this TV show, which takes two households and remodels one room of each home for under $1,000! There are interior designers and carpenters, and the homeowners trade spaces for two days as they remodel each other's homes! Most of the time the new space is responded to with much joy and delight! Then there are times when that remodeled space is met with disappointment and chagrin. (With Jesus, the former always happens!).

"Peter replied, 'Repent and be baptized every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off -- for all whom the Lord our God will call.'" (Acts 2:38-39). Repenting is another word for re-thinking or in our framework, remodeling! Instead of interior designers coming to take the old room and transforming it with new ideas and new designs, Jesus comes into our hearts and does a make-over in us! Just like a re-model, many times our insides have to be gutted and replaced with new things. In other cases, our old furniture is re-upholstered and gives the room a new look!

Jesus is calling us today to examine our hearts. Have we given ourselves to His remodeling offer? It only takes one decision, and the rest is history! If we have said yes, then the next steps are laid out for us -- we are to be baptized into His family, and we will be forgiven our sins, and best of all, we get the gift of the Holy Spirit! The Spirit is the One who continues to work in us in interior design. You see, Jesus is the One who traded spaces with us, with His sacrifice for us on the cross. Our sin is nailed up there on that cross! And it is Jesus who sends us the Holy Spirit to keep our space transforming and growing closer to Him, for us, our children, and even if we are far away! What a blessing to be a part of Trading Spaces, with the best interior designer of all time!

Until next time, make it a blessed day,
Pastor Ellen

Brought to you by God's Church and Frank Sasaki. Have your friends receive their own free copy of the Godled Daily Devotional by subscribing at

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