Friday, November 25, 2005

"Well, We've Always Done It That Way!"

Breaking with tradition is not an easy thing to do. Change in general causes anxiety and stress. And the catch phrase in most churches is, "Well, we've always done it that way." God is not necessarily against tradition. But the Lord doesn't want us to get stuck in what we do and say just because it's church! God wants us to follow His lead, not maintain the status quo.

"They all joined together constantly in prayer, along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus and with His brothers." (Acts 1:11). Now the disciples and Jesus' family were used to worshipping in a traditional setting, where men and women had separate areas. The Upper Room, where all this was taking place, wasn't like that, and so they were creating new space and new ways of gathering together, breaking with tradition!

We often get set in our ways, whether it's church or work or home or even how we go on vacation! And I suppose there is nothing wrong with that. We tend to be creatures of habit. Sometimes we eat the same thing on the menu, just because it's safe. We are missing out on other possibilities of life! Sometimes the things we choose will be worse than what we are used to. That's all right! It's good to know that some choices are better than others! But for goodness sakes, let's not keep ourselves contained and safe in only things that are familiar and tested out. Let's be bold and take a risk for God! Even if we mess up, the Lord will come alongside and help us get back on track, today and forever!

Until next time, make it a blessed day,

Pastor Ellen

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