Tuesday, June 28, 2005

What is Faith?

Faith is believing without seeing the proof of your belief first. You can't get faith by reasoning it out. There is a knowing at gut level involved. There is also some presumption. When you get on a bus, you presume that it will take you where it says it is going on the front. When you sit on a chair you presume that it will take your weight. You never know for sure until you've acted on your belief, whether your faith was right. The reality then confirms your belief or presumption. You can not prove God is real, until you test Him out. Just like you can't see electricity. You prove it is real by seeing the effect of it when you put the switch on. When you put your faith in believing there is a God and act on the belief, you will know He is real by the effect He has in your life.

Monday, June 20, 2005

You Can Make a Difference

You can make a huge difference to the world around you every day! Think how many people you see as you live through one day. You can touch other people and improve their day just with a smile. By having an attitude of thankfulness and appreciation for just the little things people do for you, things that maybe are expected, or part of their job, you enable them to feel pleasure in that moment. Just imagine how their life would feel different if everyone did that!
I was shocked when I learned ungrateful people were to children who were delivering Christmas hampers to them. One school told me that their students have been making and delivering Christmas hampers to people in need since 1996. It is a rare occurence for anyone to say Thank you!!! To fin out more about this, and ways you can make a difference read my full article by clicking on the link.......

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Welcome to the Heart After Jesus Blog

Welcome to the Heart after Jesus Blog.
Jesus has touched my heart, and changed my life. I'm not talking about religion, I'm not interested in religion. I've been there, and done that. When Jesus touched my heart, I started a relationship with him that has and is changing my life every day. My life now has meaning and purpose. I want to have a heart that is always connected to Jesus. This blog is going to be about the difference Jesus makes to life, and how to get to know Him better.