Sunday, April 23, 2006

Don't get weary!

The Thesaurus describes weary as, "tired, exhausted, drained, fatigued and disillusioned."

You see, it is so easy to get weary while waiting, even for the simple things in life like,
Waiting for a bus or for someone to return your call,
For the traffic lights to change when you're running late for work,
Waiting in a queue at the bank during lunchtime,
Or even for some of those more important things like,
A career change or opportunity that seems like it will never appear,
Or even waiting for your life partner as the weeks turn into months and the months turn into years...

How much more difficult is it for us when we are waiting on the
things of God to come to pass?

I know it can be tough it can be frustrating and even disappointing!
Some may even feel 'hoped out' and at worst just going through the motions oblivious to the fact that they have resigned from wanting more, desiring more and have long since been living by sight and not faith,
Some may even believe that God's promises were just a figment of their imagination,

I know you've prayed,
You've believed,
You've fasted,
You've given and you've positively confessed God's word,
Yet your heart's desires are on hold!

Don't' get weary!

The bible says in Galatians 6:9:
"And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart."

We don't get weary over night,
Weariness grows, one thing leads to another and before we know it unless we stay focused we are weary, murmuring and complaining!
Let this inspiration be a wake up call to you not to grow weary, because if you do not - you will reap all that you have believed God for according to His word!
Start remembering the promises He has given to you,
Start remembering and revisiting the prophecies that have been spoken over your life!

For they shall come to pass - however, there is a condition:


Be encouraged!