Tuesday, October 11, 2005

My Prayer For The World

By: Craig Lock,

As a "quite spiritual", but not "religious type of person"*, I wrote this quickly ("divine inspiration"???), so sharing a few thoughts, which may be of interest and freely published, electronically or in print. Enjoy...

* "We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience."- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin *


Dear God, Creator of the Universe,

As YOU know, so many people are going through extreme hardship and suffering after natural disasters, like Hurricane Katrina and Rita in the USA. Also in our hearts, many of us are very troubled by the world today being in such a mess, because of natural disasters, man's inhumanity to man, lack of understanding and intolerance of others, desire for power, "pure evil" and so on.

At this time of Celebration in so many privileged countries (like mine, the paradise that is tranquil New Zealand), I feel so helpless, so am asking for divine intervention through the power of concentrated prayer world-wide...Please bring a miracle especially to the people of Iraq, Chechnya, DRC (Congo), Nigeria and Zimbabwe and all the victims of the recent tsunami in South-East Asia, but to all the world. Bring forth some goodness out of the ravages of the many wars (some decades-old) and natural disasters throughout this world.

As we are all connected (no matter where in the world we may live), please touch all hearts, especially in the 'trouble-spots' of the globe...through changing people's inner spirits amidst the strife, violence and war. We send forth positive thoughts for good: of comfort, forgiveness, thoughts of peace and especially love to every 'child of God' in this drama of pain.

Still through YOU, we can see in our hearts one day the seemingly impossible - a world one day surrounded by peace and love. One lit within by YOUR indistinguishable and ever-present light, that shines through the goodness of so many people in countless diverse countries on "mother earth"..........
Read more of this prayer

For more great writing by Craig visit http://www.craiglock.com

Article Source: Articles Beyond Better

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