Monday, October 24, 2005

Focusing on Your Purpose

By: Daniel Brown,

So many people are tormented by fear and don't realize how negative thinking affects them. They build a prison for themselves with suggestions of limitation, incapacity, and unworthiness. They don't think of succeeding, but of how they will fail.

It's been said that a person does not get what they want, but what they picture. It's those dominate thoughts that are being attracted to you, not your greatest dreams. So, the way to attract the things you desire is to hold a mental picture of what you want as long as possible, and as often as possible. Feel that you already have what you desire with certainty and you will see it become manifested in your life.It's a simple concept, and it's true.

It's just not easy.It's not easy because we are bombarded daily with all kinds of negative thoughts, and then we are forced to decide what to do with them after they've entered our minds.There is just no way a person can enjoy life to its full with a head full of negative thoughts.

The will of God is abundance, prosperity, blessings, peace, joy, and righteousness. Thoughts of fear, worry, dread, and poverty are in direct opposite to God's plan. In fact, they are the devil's plan.

2 Corinthians 4:4 says, Satan has become the god of this world, and it's his will to completely destroy us. But, God has put limits on the devil. He cannot cross the blood line. Therefore, the main way he disrupts people's lives is by planting suggestive thoughts in their heads, causing them all kinds of grief.

A person cannot change what they do not acknowledge. So, if you can acknowledge that if you live life passively, the devil will destroy you.He is not just going to sit by and watch as you become outrageously blessed. The reason is because he hates God.And, since he can not hinder God in any way, the best he can do is hinder God's most beloved possession - you!

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Daniel N. Brown is an entrepreneur and teacher of biblical success principles . Get your FREE report entitled, "How to Receive from God" when you sign up for your FREE weekly newsletter.

Article Source: Articles Beyond Better

1 comment:

G_in_AL said...

Nice job on this post. We take this stuff for granted as common sense, but usually it is the most common sense things that can help us the most.

I am going to forward this post to someone that I think can use it. Bless you.

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