Wednesday, October 05, 2005

"Big Dreams, Big Miracles"

When we don't believe in miracles, it shrinks our expectations of God. When we don't give hope to big dreams, it makes our world and our God very small. Don't we believe in an awesome, miracle-making God today? Don't we hope that God can transform our dreams into reality? Yes! Of course we should! And God does do miracles all the time! We need to open our eyes and hearts to that!

"He raises the poor from the dust, and lifts the needy from the ash heap; He seats them with princes of their people. He settles the barren woman in her home as a happy mother of children. Praise the Lord." (Psalm 113:7-9). The God who can transform water into wine also works miracles in our lives today. We cannot rely on our own puny powers to rescue the poor and the needy. God has big miracles to do in their lives. Our own powers are just limiting and constraining His work! Let God, rather than our own efforts empower His people!

And the barren women who long for children in their homes? God is a miracle maker! Of course He can bless them with an abundance of children! He is God! Let's not limit ourselves or others today or ever. Our God has conquered all on our behalf, even death! Let's rise above our petty and small limits and give our dreams and hopes to the One who can make them happen!

Until next time, make it a blessed day,

Pastor Ellen

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