Sunday, September 18, 2005


by Jacqueline Peart


If you are to be successful then developing listening skills is key! We must learn to listen on three different levels:

Level 1 is the ability to listen to God and to recognise His voice and promptings. He will lead and direct you in the way that you should go and once you know His voice, a strangers voice you will not follow.

Level 2 is learning to listen to others. So often we are concerned about what we're going through or what we want to say that we spend little time listening whole-heartedly to others. Listening to what they have to say can build your knowledge base and you may be surprised how much you will learn!

Level 3 is where we must learn to listen to ourselves. For example, listening to our bodies, "Are we tired?" Then rest, "Are we uncertain?" Then seek advice from wise people. So often we ignore our body signals albeit, physical or emotional - start listening to you!

This week take a listening temperature check and see how well you are at listening to others, that means no interruptions, no butting in, no sharing your stuff…just listen!

Be encouraged by the following poem that highlights some of the challenges of listening. It is taken from Deep Calleth Unto Deep, Relationships.


Will somebody listen to me, I'm crying out for help
Will somebody listen to me, I feel like I'm dying inside?

Hi, How are you?
Fine, and you?
Not so bad, though I?ve been feeling really down lately.

Well that's not as bad as when I was down. Do you know what happened to me when … and so their story goes.

When will we listen, when will we hear?

I'm struggling, I've found it difficult to pray.
Haven't you prayed about it? No problem, let's bind it, rebuke it, cover it in Jesus name.

Will somebody just listen to me, I'm crying out for help.
I don't need pat answers or simplistic remedies,
All I want is for somebody to listen to me.


I've heard you and I'm listening.

Who are you that goes against the odds and takes a moment to hear my cry?

I'm your friend and your brother even though I am your King
I heard you and answered you before you uttered a word.

Now the question is:
Will you listen to Me?
For I AM knocking at your door!

Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him, and dine with him, and he with Me.

Revelations 3:20 NKJV

Jacqueline has launched her latest book in the Deep Calleth Unto Deep series called "Inspirations for Women …A Journey to Wholeness". Be encouraged by one of the poems from the book, available online at

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