Sunday, September 04, 2005

"Boundary Lines"

"Boundary Lines"(On The Other Side of the Tracks)

Surely in every town there is an invisible line that divides the poor from the not-so-poor. More often than not, the other side of the tracks includes the racial ethnic minorities. And there are associated gang problems, drug and alcohol abuse problems, and poor academic performance in the schools in those areas.

The world does not seem to be a happy and peaceful place.Yet, David says in Psalm 16:5-6,"Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance."

In my growing up years, the other side of the tracks was where I lived! There was poverty and the problems that go along with it. Yet, somehow God's presence among those who knew Him, made those chosen ones see the boundary lines in a different light. God's grace in the lives of those who believed showed the assurance of a delightful inheritance! And against all odds, those whose trust in the Lord was like David's, had their portion and their cup filled to overflowing!

We, too, may be living on the other side of the tracks. But guess what! The Lord promises to make our lots secure. He loves us and promises us not just an inheritance but a delightful one! How cool is that! The world may divide us along its own boundary lines, but the Lord crosses them and creates His own boundary lines that include us today and forever!

Until next time, make it a blessed day,Pastor Ellen

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