Sunday, September 04, 2005

God Created You And Threw Away The Mold

Consider this - the greatest gift that you can give to the world is You.

You are totally unique. God is so creative! Just as He doesn't ever create two snowflake crystals alike, neither does he create people alike. God delights in you and the unique characteristics, gifts, personality,appearance, heart that He created in you. You are a gift created by Him for the world to know and appreciate. You reflect a minute part of God and His Creativity.

How many times a day do we hide who we really are? How often do you suppress 'you' and try to be like someone else to gain acceptance and approval from others? What is it that makes us want to fit in and not stand out? Why are we so uncomfortable with our uniqueness?

Everytime we try to be like someone else who we admire, or who seems successful we set ourselves up for failure. We can only be 100% successful in being ourselves, and no-one else can be you. When we celebrate and flaunt our uniqueness we give something totally unique to other -we are a gift to them that enriches their lives.

Sometimes we lose ourselves. We lose a sense of who we are and settle into a second rate existance shaped by the expectations of who others think we should be, or who we think we should be. We cannot find peace and inner freedom unless we accept and live as God created us to be. This happened to me and it took me years to realize what was happening. Then I started a journey of discovering who I really was. It is a journey, it is a process- yet the places that I have travelled in it have enriched my life and brought such peace and contentment. I am beginning to live as the person God created me to be. Would I go back? NEVER!!!

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