Sunday, January 01, 2012

2012 A New Start

Everybody sees a New Year as an opportunity for a new start at some level and I am no exception. For me though it feels different. I'm giving up trying to get by on my own. I am releasing it to God to work out.
For the last decade I've worked my butt off and just survived financially. Fed up by 'church works' and hurt by experiences and people in the church I stopped going and tried to make it on my own. Separated from my husband (a church leader) in 2004, burned out and emotionally and spiritually frail I dove into self help books and teaching and created a new life for myself.

Last year I started going back to church  I want to walk in God's ways and He has met me and I am healing. New Years Eve 2011 - last night I feeling totally frustrated spent time alone with God and felt prompted to dig out an old book from the bookshelf. "How to Live Beyond Your Means by Russ Johnston with Maureen Rank. Written in the 60's the examples are outdated, but the truths and principles hold true to the passing of time - and I am giving God permission to fulfill whatever He wants in my life His way and I'm officially going to try to let go making it happen.

I'm writing my experiences in this outdated,almost impossible to find blog - and if God wants someone to read it, I can be certain that He will lead that person here and maybe have something to say to them through my writing. His Choice!! I have the skills to market this blog but No! this has to be God's doing not mine. I'm throwing out the gauntlet God!

My desire has always been to be used by God to encourage Christians and even dare I say it be used by God to set others free from the things that stop them knowing God and walking closer with Him. I want to be that channel again - my intention is to document that journey starting today. This story is how God does it without me trying to make it work.

I pray God's blessing on you if you are reading this - that maybe you too will trust God to provide for your needs in every area of your life and see Him work on your behalf.


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