Saturday, July 09, 2005

What is Faith part 2

The word 'Faith' means different things to different people. This is probably because it's not tangible; we cannot perceive it with our senses. The dictionary defines faith as reliance, trust, belief founded on authority. In the Greek it has the sense of a firm persuasion and conviction, with our life and conduct governed by our convictions. I like the definition given in Hebrews 11 verse 1 in the Amplified Bible...."faith is perceiving as real fact what is not revealed by the senses"

I have been realizing the faith for me means "acting as if". It involves living and behaving as if something is true, even though there is no evidence that it is. 'Acting as if' it will happen despite the circumstances, despite reason or even common sense. So does this mean that I am acting on a fantasy that has come from my imagination, or wishful thinking, or dreams? Not at all! It is acting on a belief based on authority, God's authority. It is acting on the truth found in God's Word and promises. It is trusting in God, in who He is, and not circumstances and my resources. With eyes on God as the One who has the solution for what may seem impossible, and not on the situation and lack of resources, there is a place of an inner peace rather than mental turmoil. It is from that sense of inner peace that becomes possible to 'act as if', despite all the mental 'what ifs' that flood the mind.

I write , not as one who has got there, but as one who is on the journey learning and growing on the way. Stay tuned for part 3!!!!

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